Lamour Radio TV

Lamour Radio TV

HGMA TV is a Christian base television broad casting media that is providing services to over 200,000 viewers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. It covers millions of peoples around the world vianternet. HGMA TV broadcast its programs in French, Creole and English. Over hundreds of thousands of Haitians, French, and French speaking Africans watch the HGMA television’s programs in a daily basis. Our purpose is to educate and inform our viewers around the world. Our purpose is to educate and inform our viewers around the world..
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Radio Notre Dame Fort Pierce Fl.

Radio Notre Dame Fort Pierce Fl.

First Haitian Ordained Priest Lives up to His Mantra at Fort Pierce Catholic Mission . Behind the Rev. Yves Geffrard’s desk at Notre Dame Catholic Mission, a plaque’s big letters read “Don’t Quit.”
For Geffrard, who administers the Fort Pierce church, that mantra led him to become the first black and first Haitian ordained by the Diocese of Palm Beach County in 2001.
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WP Radio
WP Radio