Lamour Radio TV
HGMA TV is a Christian base television broad casting media that is providing services to over 200,000 viewers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. It covers millions of peoples around the world vianternet. HGMA TV broadcast its programs in French, Creole and English. Over hundreds of thousands of Haitians, French, and French speaking Africans watch the HGMA television’s programs in a daily basis. Our purpose is to educate and inform our viewers around the world. Our purpose is to educate and inform our viewers around the world..
HGMA has developed over the years different methods to promote its artists, groups and Choirs. A monthly magazine is another way that our members have been able to discover the beauty of our art, and to learn more about our stars. HGMA magazine is one of the best ways that the organization has used to inform the public about the stars and allow them to enjoy their beauty.